1、rcad的英文全称:Rockwall County Appraisal District (real estate; Texas) 中文意思:罗克沃尔
2、rcad的英文全称:Ringling College of Art and Design (Sarasota, Florida) 中文意思:瑞格林艺术与设计学院(萨拉索塔,佛罗里达州)
3、rcad的英文全称:Rochester Civic Association of the Deaf 中文意思:罗彻斯特市聋人协会
4、rcad的英文全称:Resource Conservation and Development (also seen as RC&D) 中文意思:资源保护与开发(也是RC
5、rcad的英文全称:Randolph County Ambulance District (Moberly, Missouri) 中文意思:伦道夫县救护区(莫伯利密苏里州)
6、rcad的英文全称:Roman Catholic All Day (clothing) 中文意思:整天罗马天主教(服装)
7、rcad的英文全称:Raining Cats and Dogs 中文意思:大雨倾盆
1、rcad:─── RCA的
2、rcad:─── 日产奥丁