1、cepm的英文全称:Coupled Electron Pair Method 中文意思:电子对耦合方法
2、cepm的英文全称:Certified Executive Project Manager (American Society for the Advancement of Project Management) 中文意思:执行认证项目经理(American Society for the Advancement of项目管理)
3、cepm的英文全称:Certified Expert Program Manager (Lunarline School of Cybersecurity; various locations) 中文意思:认证专家计划经理(网络安全的Lunarline学校;不同地点)
4、cepm的英文全称:Centre d'études Sur Le Polymorphisme des Microorganismes (French: Center for the Study of Polymorphism of Microorganisms) 中文意思:中心
5、cepm的英文全称:Corps of Engineers Office of Security and Law Enforcement 中文意思:工程师安全办公室和执法总队
6、cepm的英文全称:Clearinghouse on Educational Policy and Management (College of Education; University of Oregon) 中文意思:教育政策和管理信息中心(教育学院;俄勒冈大学)
7、cepm的英文全称:Correctional Education Program Manager 中文意思:惩教教育项目经理