1、dppr的英文全称:Demonstration Planning and Progress Report 中文意思:示范规划和进度报告
2、dppr的英文全称:Direction de la Prévention des Pollutions et des Risques (French: Department of Prevention of Pollution and Risks; French Ministry of Sustainable Development) 中文意思:de la Pr
3、dppr的英文全称:Directorate of Publicity and Public Relations (est. 1979; India) 中文意思:宣传和公共关系局(est。1979;印度)
4、dppr的英文全称:Development Plan for Poverty Reduction (Yemen) 中文意思:扶贫开发计划(也门)
5、dppr的英文全称:Dossier Patient Partagé et Réparti (French patient records) 中文意思:档案病人Partag
6、dppr的英文全称:Disaster Preparedness Program Review 中文意思:灾方案审查
7、dppr的英文全称:Department of Business and Professional Regulation 中文意思:业务部和专业规范
1、dppr:─── 的ppr